Monday, October 31, 2005

POP ART 1 Posted by Picasa

"Complexities" Posted by Picasa

Untitled Posted by Picasa

Untitled Posted by Picasa

Untitled Posted by Picasa

Untitled Posted by Picasa

'Warp Speed Rainbow' 4-8-05 Posted by Picasa

"Rainbow Dragon" Posted by Picasa

"Conflict and Convergence", December 2004 Posted by Picasa

"Fighting Cocks" from 2004 Posted by Picasa

Alien Encounter Posted by Picasa

Shirley Poppy Watercolor Posted by Picasa

Shirley Poppy I Posted by Picasa

"Persian Shield" from 2004 Posted by Picasa

Untitled from 2004 Posted by Picasa

"Nut Orchid" (Achemienes) Close-up Oil Pastel Posted by Picasa

"Nut Orchid" (Achemienes) Blooms Oil Pastel
 Posted by Picasa

"Purple Coneflower" 10-27-05 Oil Pastel Posted by Picasa

Summer Snowball -2 10-27-05 Oil Pastel Posted by Picasa

Summer Snowball on 10-27-05 Oil Pastel Posted by Picasa

Sdlg Tropical Hibiscus -FFO 10-05 Oil Pastel Posted by Picasa

Daylily 'Alabaster Angel' Oil Pastel Posted by Picasa

Summer Snowball-Last bloom of Summer 10-12-05 Posted by Picasa