Saturday, August 01, 2009

I always forget that Blogging runs backward to how a web site displays in that last posts are viewed first, so a little explanation on these last "works" is in order.

The next 5 are collages made with the help of Picasa. Only thing I don't like about it is the finished file size is so huge that it has to be reduced, sharply, to be viewable on the web. The size is great for printing thought! There are many things about Picasa that I am still learning about and having this newer computer has made making collages, contact sheets and other fun things a lot easier not to mention faster.

In the five works" after the collages I used only Irfanview and the filters/effects available there. From Zoom, to Oil Paint to Rock and a few stops in between to adjust or change color. One of my favorites is the Blue Day Flower (11th image down).

Wonder what Weirdness my mind will come up with in August? We shall all have to wait and see!

A Few Slightly Different "Works in Progress"

I gave a sneak preview of this new technique I've been playing with, but wanted to show a few more. About the only difference is really in the subject used as all the various steps have been the same and they have all been accomplished using nothing more that Irfanview Image Editor and the filters/plug-ins that came with it.

Roping In The Rest


Since I am so far behind I decided to lump these last two months together and see if that can't get me closer to catching up with myself! Some themes may seem familiar, others really off the wall. It HAS BEEN a strange couple of months! Enjoy! Post comments, suggest titles if you like!!!