Definitely NOT an "Oil Slick" but a "weave'' with one edge rippled.
Two steps and this one said "I'm Done just as I am". This doesn't happen often enough, or perhaps I don't let it happen often enough. . . . hum, something to think about.
Another with jolousie effect and water ripple before adding framework, above and below.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
This one is the base image for the next two. As well as for the thrid one which had additional "modifications and manipulations". This third one shown was actually the first one made in this group.
I love the fiery color of this one. Needs a really good name though, so post your ideas!
This is the image that was used to create the following (SAME, YET DIFFERENT) graphic images. Of course I did preform a few other manipulations first, including changing the color to negative and then using a couple of different "brush strokes".
For those curious about this flower, the plant is a perennial and fall is it's normal bloom time. The "type" for this species behind this hybrid is pink on a white to cream back ground. Grows best in a moist, organically rich spot where the roots can stay cool yet the plants can get early morning or late afternoon sun; getting both would be optimal, but no direct noon day sun. It will tolerate container culture with heavy winter protection. Didn't know you'd get a gardening lessen, did you!