Tuesday, March 31, 2009


This little guy was NOT supposed to have been up loaded as it is only a component of a bigger piece. Since it looked so good standing alone though I left it as it is certainly "Weird" enough!

Saturday, March 28, 2009


I often marvel at the number of different renditions I can get out of one base line manipulation of an otherwise "normal" image. in the post following this one you will see 4, although I have a few more that I've made, but these are the ones I like best. Three of them gave up their names but one is still "untitled". It does make me think of kites though, very strange kites!

"HOW MANY" Cont'd

Thursday, March 26, 2009


This one was the wave below before I added additional "waves" to it Here I also used a couple of different Robert Redwood filters (plug-in for Photoshop Elements).

I was able to pick up the mat colors from the image using the "eye dropper" tool on PSE, I did have to allow for some darkening when I then used the "AAA" Texture Frame filter.

I really liked how this one turned out and except for a 3 pixel edge it has nothing else added to it. All the colors in this "work" were in the original Apo that Susan created by manipulating her image I was able to bring out the various colors and tonal qualities.

This last one is very "abstract", and the colors are just marvelous in the way the combined and mixed.
This one was also used in the making of some of the other images in this section.


These are part of a series of manipulation I made using an Apo from Susan S. I have not yet tried, seriously, to do the Apo Flames, I have a hard enough time trying to master regular Fractals!

Most of these had many different filter and/or steps to get them to the finale image and I hope you enjoy them all. A few more are coming yet.

All of the following were re-created from an original Apo Spiral authored by my friend, Peter K. used only 3 filters in two programs to attain the "finished" pieces. You will note that only "mats" were used with these. I wanted to try these w/o the frames to see how they go over with you, the viewing public. Enjoy!


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Red Bougainvillia Oil Pastel

This is definitely NOT my usual "weird art", but I felt y'all might enjoy something really different (from me anyway!) I got this really nice shot of my red flowering Bougainvillea; it had a few flaws so thought I would see what I could do with it to mask the flaws. After intensifying the colors just a little I used the "oil paint" filter and topped that with "sandstone". Then I added some lighting effects, very subtle ones only, added the double "mat" and the frame and there you have it! I liked the way this turned out and have kept a very large - hi-res copy for eventual use as a printed greeting card.

Anyway, I hope all y'all like it as much as I do!

Hum. . . .

Thursday, March 19, 2009


This one was made for St. Patrick's Day and also on a greeting card I made for a friend's St. Patrick's Day Birthday.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


This seeming normal image ( a close up) of twigs with moss and lichens I have in a 55 gallon terrarium went through many changes, the least of which was to select only a section of it to really work with.

That second had it's colors enhanced - brightened and saturated, then pasted onto a new black background just a bit larger. It was further manipulated by blurring the entire image and then "pointalizing" the colors several times. Above you see the diffusion mode. After that the entire image was put through an "extruder" to reshape the different points of color into triangles.

The triangle were then twirlled lightly to the right and then a polar distortion done. Once this desired effect was reached, the mat and frame was added rendering the above image.

In this view I backed up a few steps and added the water ripples effect, which really proved to be one step too far, but also after that "just one more cup of coffee for the day!


This is what I got, although NOT what I had envisioned after first having come up with:

I wanted a more "watery" surface with only the head sharply defines and the the ail and mid-body area softened and slightly askew as if viewed through the waters' surface. Oh well, back to the drawing board!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sprites, or Are They Snakes?

This is the "original" whatever it is - sprite or weird snake! I thought it had potential so I kept it and played with it some more. This next image is what resulted after I changed the black background to a transparent background.

I then pasted several of the embellished object to create the next image.

Combining both resulted in this one.

I have several "morphs" of the original but have not come up with a way to use them that would not give people, or me, nightmares! I also have a few more in this vein that I am working on that should also be pretty weird when finished!

As always, your comments are welcomed and appreciated!

A Couple of Random Images

Take a shot at giving this one a title! Could it be a reflection of something in a puddle of rain? Or something else, perhaps unworldly?

This one reminds me of what a puddle of rainwater looks like on new asphault; thoughts for a name, anyone?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Believe it or not, all four of these "images" were created from one basic image that had originally been altered via Irfanview and the Harry's Filters plug-ins. The second image down is that image.

"The Water Garden"

"Super Nova"

Untitled 3-9-2009

"Panning for Gold" -- Look closely and you'll see the "gold"!

Pizza Anyone!

Align CenterDon't know why, but this one made me think of pizza when it first started to take form on my screen. So now we have "Slices"of Pizza, anyone?

I've Been BUSY!

Actually this one came second as I wanted to see what change wold happen if I ever so slightly twirled the image, hence "Free Fall". I didn't feel this one really needed the "frame" so I opted to do just the double mat around the dimensionally matted central image.

I had been watching a rather large squadron of Sand Hill Cranes fly over the afternoon I made this. They seemed a bit disorganized, like they were waiting for someone to take the lead and no one wanted to! Eventually one bird did take on the responsibility of lead bird and they all vanished from sight as they climber ever higher for a long night journey to their northern nesting and breeding grounds. I wish they would fly close enough that I could really see them as individual birds and not just various sized black specks in the sky.

This is the basic form that started it all! I extrude the image into extended triangles, blacken the background and then twirl and contort until I got something pleasing to the eye. Often I added a "lenses flare". Most of the time there were no "frames" as I did not have the filter sets needed to add them. That has changed!