Thursday, March 26, 2009


This one was the wave below before I added additional "waves" to it Here I also used a couple of different Robert Redwood filters (plug-in for Photoshop Elements).

I was able to pick up the mat colors from the image using the "eye dropper" tool on PSE, I did have to allow for some darkening when I then used the "AAA" Texture Frame filter.

I really liked how this one turned out and except for a 3 pixel edge it has nothing else added to it. All the colors in this "work" were in the original Apo that Susan created by manipulating her image I was able to bring out the various colors and tonal qualities.

This last one is very "abstract", and the colors are just marvelous in the way the combined and mixed.
This one was also used in the making of some of the other images in this section.


These are part of a series of manipulation I made using an Apo from Susan S. I have not yet tried, seriously, to do the Apo Flames, I have a hard enough time trying to master regular Fractals!

Most of these had many different filter and/or steps to get them to the finale image and I hope you enjoy them all. A few more are coming yet.

All of the following were re-created from an original Apo Spiral authored by my friend, Peter K. used only 3 filters in two programs to attain the "finished" pieces. You will note that only "mats" were used with these. I wanted to try these w/o the frames to see how they go over with you, the viewing public. Enjoy!