Just a little something to keep your interest while I work on some new stuff that I hope will be as exciting as I think it will be. I used the "Harry's Filters" in my Irfanview image editor and got some really different looks. Now I am off to see what else I can do with them! I will give you a hint; the original of this first image was the catalyst for what is to come. ;)
No Title, so feel free to suggest one!
"Cubism" (with Attitude!) I like the textures I was able to bring out in this one; some strong, most are subtle though. Enjoy!
Like your art. What is the medium?
I have just started watercolors, acrylics and do some collage with tree bark.
My "medium" is cyber-space as all of my "art" is accomplished through computer manipulation of either "normal" images" or the occasional digitally painted base image and then manipulated to achieve the finished piece.
I do appreciate your comment and will be interested in seeing some of your works should you publish any to the web.
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